Expert Formula


Using gel, Schellac or other hard to remove nail polish? Than professional nail polish remover is for You!

Pro formula combines the power of 100% acetone with natural goodness of  specially crafted botanical extracts and oils. Pro Formula will remove even the toughest polishes leaving nails looking healthy strong and beautiful.

Featured Botanical oils, Extracts and other Active ingredients:

Rowan extract
Obtained from berries of Sorbus Aucuparia tree. Rowan fruit extract is rich in vitamin C and carotene (provitamins A). Has a skin firming, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effect.
Tea tree oil
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties and is an antioxidant.
Almond oil
Rich source of skin-repairing ingredients including triglycerides and several fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, and myristic among them).